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Renowned for his minimalist designs with concrete, Patrick Paris is known for iconic pieces like the Ixelles lamp and L'obstacle table. Buy now on SHOPDECOR®


Patrick Paris, a self-taught designer, has made a significant impact in the world of modern design with his minimalist yet innovative approach. Known for his creative use of concrete, Paris turns an often-overlooked material into a defining feature of his work. His collaborations with brands like Serax have resulted in a range of distinctive products that challenge traditional design boundaries. Paris's work in modern furniture and lighting, such as the iconic Ixelles table lamp and L'obstacle De L'appartement side table, reflects his commitment to blending form and function seamlessly.

A obra de Patrick Paris caracteriza-se por duas peculiaridades: a primeira é o facto de ser um designer autodidata e a segunda é a sua predileção pelo cimento, um material pesado mas ao mesmo tempo frágil. As criações de Patrick Paris não são óbvias: podem ter uma função diferente da que parece à primeira vista. O designer desenvolveu para Serax objetos como o candeeiro Eaunophe e Le Petit Photophore, bem como a mesa de centro L'OBSTACLE DE L'APPARTEMENT, uma peça de design austero mas extremamente funcional.

4 Resultados

Serax Flastaire table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SERAX design
Serax Flastaire table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SERAX design

Serax Flastaire table lamp


€ 246,00 EUR

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Serax Tangent table lamp concrete - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SERAX design
Serax Tangent table lamp concrete - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SERAX design

Serax Tangent table lamp concrete


€ 284,00 EUR

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Serax Ixelles table lamp concrete - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SERAX design
Serax Ixelles table lamp concrete - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SERAX design

Serax Ixelles table lamp concrete


€ 476,00 EUR

Preço unitário

Serax L'obstacle De L'appartement side table h. 60 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SERAX design
Serax L'obstacle De L'appartement side table h. 60 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SERAX design

Serax L'obstacle De L'appartement side table h. 60 cm.


€ 675,00 EUR

Preço unitário