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1960 年にエルネスト ジスモンディによって設立されたArtemide、照明デザインの世界的リーダーとなったイタリアの象徴的なブランドです。最先端の技術と昔ながらの職人技の融合で知られるArtemide製品は、98 か国で販売されています。このブランドは、持続可能なデザインと革新に注力しており、エレガンスと機能性の象徴となっています。高く評価されている Tolomeo ランプから、印象的な Mercury ペンダント ランプ、独創的な Tizio テーブル ランプまで、Artemide照明の卓越性の基準を設定し続けています。




Artemide、照明デザインを再定義した象徴的な製品で知られています。ミケーレ・デ・ルッキとジャンカルロ・ファッシーナがデザインしたトロメオランプは、エンジニアリングと美学の傑作であり、多用途な機能性と時代を超えた魅力を備えています。ロス・ラブグローブがデザインしたマーキュリーペンダント ランプは、その未来的なデザインと幻想的な照明効果で人々を魅了します。リチャード・サッパーが製作したティツィオテーブル ランプは、ユニークな調節可能なアームとミニマリスト デザインを特徴とする革新の驚異です。Artemide、テーブル ランプ、フロア ランプ、ウォール ライトなど、さまざまな製品カテゴリーで優れており、それぞれの製品がブランドの卓越性への取り組みを体現しています。




Artemideの照明ソリューションは、単なる機能的なオブジェクトではありません。あらゆる空間の雰囲気を高める芸術作品です。書斎用のスタイリッシュなArtemide テーブル ランプ、リビング ルーム用の洗練されたArtemide フロア ランプ、廊下を照らす洗練されたArtemide ウォール ライトなど、 Artemideあらゆるニーズと好みに応える幅広い製品を提供しています。各製品は細部にまで細心の注意を払って作られており、家やオフィスを照らすだけでなく、美観も高めます。


Artemide、照明業界における革新とデザインの卓越性を示す先駆者であり続けています。Gio PontiBruno MunariVico Magistrettiなどの著名なデザイナーとのコラボレーションの豊かな歴史を持つこのブランドは、 Tolomeoランプ、 Mercuryペンダント ランプ、 Tizioテーブル ランプなど、象徴的な製品の伝統を生み出してきました。エレガントなArtemide ランプをお探しでも、機能的なArtemide 照明ソリューションをお探しでも、 Artemideの品質と革新への取り組みにより、空間を明るくし、創造性を刺激する完璧な製品が必ず見つかります。

295 Results

Artemide Nessino table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Nessino table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Nessino table lamp


€ 434,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Stellar Nebula 40 LED suspension lamp diam. 40 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Stellar Nebula 40 LED suspension lamp diam. 40 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Stellar Nebula 40 LED suspension lamp diam. 40 cm.


€ 2.477,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Yanzi SC1 suspension lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Yanzi SC1 suspension lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Yanzi SC1 suspension lamp LED


€ 2.212,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Dioscuri 35 wall/ceiling lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Dioscuri 35 wall/ceiling lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Dioscuri 35 wall/ceiling lamp


€ 619,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Tizio Micro table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Tizio Micro table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Tizio Micro table lamp


€ 524,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Tizio LED table lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Tizio LED table lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Tizio LED table lamp LED


€ 870,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Lesbo table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Lesbo table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Lesbo table lamp


€ 1.968,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Demetra Micro table lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Demetra Micro table lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Demetra Micro table lamp LED


€ 412,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Tolomeo Micro table lamp white with fixed support - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Tolomeo Micro table lamp white with fixed support - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Tolomeo Micro table lamp white with fixed support


€ 472,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Nessino Red Special Edition table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Nessino Red Special Edition table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Nessino Red Special Edition table lamp


€ 434,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Vine Light LED floor lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Vine Light LED floor lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Vine Light LED floor lamp


€ 3.189,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Vine Light Pure Integralis LED table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Vine Light Pure Integralis LED table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Vine Light Pure Integralis LED table lamp


€ 762,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Vine Light Spot LED wall lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Vine Light Spot LED wall lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Vine Light Spot LED wall lamp


€ 551,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Vine Light LED wall lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Vine Light LED wall lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Vine Light LED wall lamp


€ 754,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Takku LED portable table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Takku LED portable table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Takku LED portable table lamp


from € 398,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Stellar Nebula LED table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Stellar Nebula LED table lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Stellar Nebula LED table lamp


€ 2.417,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Stellar Nebula 30 LED suspension lamp diam. 30 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Stellar Nebula 30 LED suspension lamp diam. 30 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Stellar Nebula 30 LED suspension lamp diam. 30 cm.


€ 1.921,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Stellar Nebula 22 LED suspension lamp diam. 22 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Stellar Nebula 22 LED suspension lamp diam. 22 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Stellar Nebula 22 LED suspension lamp diam. 22 cm.


€ 1.167,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide El Porís suspension lamp diam. 120 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide El Porís suspension lamp diam. 120 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide El Porís suspension lamp diam. 120 cm.


€ 9.763,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide El Porís 80 suspension lamp diam. 83 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide El Porís 80 suspension lamp diam. 83 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide El Porís 80 suspension lamp diam. 83 cm.


€ 5.395,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Nottola LED suspension lamp OUTDOOR - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Nottola LED suspension lamp OUTDOOR - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Nottola LED suspension lamp OUTDOOR


€ 2.575,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Bontà wooden base with bowl diam. 18 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Bontà wooden base with bowl diam. 18 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Bontà wooden base with bowl diam. 18 cm.


€ 354,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Bontà LED portable table lamp with plate diam. 26 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Bontà LED portable table lamp with plate diam. 26 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Bontà LED portable table lamp with plate diam. 26 cm.


€ 997,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Bontà wooden base with plate diam. 26 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Bontà wooden base with plate diam. 26 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Bontà wooden base with plate diam. 26 cm.


€ 419,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Bontà LED portable table lamp with bowl diam. 18 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Bontà LED portable table lamp with bowl diam. 18 cm. - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Bontà LED portable table lamp with bowl diam. 18 cm.


€ 918,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Tolomeo Micro table lamp LED 3000K with base - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Tolomeo Micro table lamp LED 3000K with base - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Tolomeo Micro table lamp LED 3000K with base


€ 570,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Rea 17 wall lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Rea 17 wall lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Rea 17 wall lamp LED


€ 444,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Rea 12 wall lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Rea 12 wall lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Rea 12 wall lamp LED


€ 360,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Nur Mini GLOSS ceiling lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Nur Mini GLOSS ceiling lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Nur Mini GLOSS ceiling lamp LED


from € 1.096,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Nur Mini ceiling lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Nur Mini ceiling lamp LED - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Nur Mini ceiling lamp LED


from € 1.067,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Melete wall lamp LED 3000K - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Melete wall lamp LED 3000K - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Melete wall lamp LED 3000K


€ 359,00 EUR

Unit price

Artemide Melampo wall lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design
Artemide Melampo wall lamp - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ARTEMIDE design

Artemide Melampo wall lamp


€ 470,00 EUR

Unit price