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Discover BARNABY GUNNING collection on Shopdecor


Barnaby Gunning is an English architect, who studied with Peter Cook in Bartlett and who worked for Renzo Piano’s studio, cooperating for the project of the Kansai Airport. One of his greatest experience was the cooperation as structural engineer during the developement of a solution for the roof of the Esplanade Thatres on the bay in Singapre. In 1996 he worked in the studio of the israelian designer Ron Arad, where he supervisioned the architecture of the headquarter and where he cooperated to many other projects concerning either the smallest art products or the public works, as well as projecting for private customers and companies. He opened his first architecture studio in 2004, as soon as he got back to London. Barnaby Gunning Architects is a multidisciplinary studio, which combines architecture, product design and 3D programming. He won the prize Young Architect of the year in 2009 and one Camden Design Award for the project of a house.

1 Result

Slide Lazy Bones Stool Polyethylene by Barnaby Gunning - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SLIDE design
Slide Lazy Bones Stool Polyethylene by Barnaby Gunning - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SLIDE design

Slide Lazy Bones Stool Polyethylene by Barnaby Gunning


€ 269,00 EUR

Unit price

13 colors
  • Slide Milky white FT
  • Slide Jet Black FH
  • Slide Pumpkin orange FC
  • Flame red
  • Slide Lime green FR
  • +8 more