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Alba Gallizia melds architecture and design, creating iconic Ichendorf glassware that transforms tables into art Buy now on SHOPDECOR®


Alba Gallizia, with her roots in architecture from Politecnico di Milano, weaves a tapestry of design that challenges the conventional. Her journey, inspired by 20th-century maestros, has led to a rich portfolio of interior, furniture design, and more. Modern, eclectic and trendy: discover more about Alba Gallizia's world.

Ichendorf Milano: una asociación de elegancia

Her collaboration with Ichendorf Milano stands out, bringing forth a collection where each Light wine glass, Aurora glass and Light bottle isn't just a piece of glassware but a narrative of innovation and elegance. These pieces, designed with a keen eye for detail, not only serve their purpose but also act as key decor elements on any table, elevating the dining experience to an art form.

Creando experiencias más allá de lo ordinario

El trabajo de Gallizia, profundamente arraigado en la artesanía italiana, convierte objetos cotidianos en experiencias extraordinarias. Su capacidad para combinar función con forma, creando piezas que son a la vez prácticas y hermosas, establece un nuevo estándar en el mundo del diseño.

Su visión se extiende más allá de lo tangible, invitándonos a ver la belleza en lo mundano y apreciar el arte de vivir bien.

34 Resultados

Ichendorf Bianca clear flute by Alba Gallizia - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ICHENDORF design
Ichendorf Bianca clear flute by Alba Gallizia - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ICHENDORF design

Ichendorf Bianca clear flute by Alba Gallizia


$ 841.00 MXN

Precio de la unidad

Ichendorf Bianca clear water stemmed glass by Alba Gallizia - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ICHENDORF design
Ichendorf Bianca clear water stemmed glass by Alba Gallizia - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by ICHENDORF design

Ichendorf Bianca clear water stemmed glass by Alba Gallizia


$ 821.00 MXN

Precio de la unidad