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Discover Nason Moretti's exquisite Murano glassware, where Italian craftsmanship meets modern design. Buy now on SHOPDECOR®


Inmerso en la rica tradición de fabricación de vidrio de Murano, Nason Moretti es un modelo de artesanía y diseño italiano. Desde su creación en 1925 por los hermanos Nason, esta venerable marca se ha labrado un espacio único en el mundo de la cristalería , combinando técnicas tradicionales con una estética moderna. El viaje de la marca, marcado por colores vibrantes y diseños innovadores, le ha llevado a un reconocimiento mundial, con piezas exhibidas en instituciones reconocidas como el MOMA de Nueva York y el Kunstmuseum de Dusseldorf.

Los diseñadores detrás de la magia

La evolución de la marca ha estado marcada por las mentes creativas de diseñadores como Elena Salmistraro , Maria Grazia Rosin y Giovanni Patalano . Cada uno aporta un estilo único a las colecciones de Nason Moretti , infundiendo sensibilidades contemporáneas y al mismo tiempo honrando el legado de la fabricación de vidrio de Murano. Los vibrantes diseños de Salmistraro, las elegantes creaciones de Rosin y el enfoque innovador de Patalano enriquecen colectivamente el portafolio de la marca, ofreciendo una amplia gama de estilos a los admiradores de la cristalería fina.

Creaciones icónicas

En el corazón del atractivo de Nason Moretti se encuentran sus productos icónicos: los vasos Idra , la jarra Dandy y el vaso con pie Burlesque . Cada pieza es un testimonio de la dedicación de la marca a la calidad y la excelencia estética. Las gafas Idra , conocidas por sus colores y texturas vibrantes, ejemplifican la elegancia atemporal del cristal de Murano. La jarra Dandy , una combinación de funcionalidad y diseño artístico, añade un toque de sofisticación a cualquier mesa. Y el Burlesque Stem Glass, con sus intrincados diseños, captura la esencia de la rica tradición vidriera de Murano.

Ya sea que esté buscando copas , copas de vino , jarrones de Murano o lámparas Nason Nason Moretti , cada pieza de Nason Moretti es más que un simple utensilio; es una obra de arte que cuenta la historia de un rico patrimonio cultural. Estas piezas no son sólo para su uso; son para admirar, conversar y celebrar el arte italiano.

El viaje de Nason Moretti desde un pequeño taller en Murano hasta una marca reconocida mundialmente es una historia de pasión, innovación y compromiso inquebrantable con la excelencia. Cada vaso, jarrón y jarra de Nason Moretti no es solo un producto; es un pedazo de historia, un testimonio del encanto perdurable de la fabricación de vidrio de Murano y un faro de la artesanía italiana.

154 Resultados

Nason Moretti Mori water chalice black - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Mori water chalice black - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Mori water chalice black - Murano glass


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped cherry bowl violet - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped cherry bowl violet - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped cherry bowl violet


$178.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped flute violet - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped flute violet - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped flute violet


$178.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped red wine chalice violet - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped red wine chalice violet - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped red wine chalice violet


$178.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped white wine chalice violet - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped white wine chalice violet - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped white wine chalice violet


$178.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped cherry bowl periwinkle - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped cherry bowl periwinkle - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped cherry bowl periwinkle


$178.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped flute periwinkle - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped flute periwinkle - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped flute periwinkle


$178.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped white wine chalice periwinkle - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped white wine chalice periwinkle - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped white wine chalice periwinkle


$178.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Divini decanter - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Divini decanter - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Divini decanter - Murano glass


$443.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped red wine chalice periwinkle - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped red wine chalice periwinkle - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Cote d'or striped red wine chalice periwinkle


$178.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Divini pitcher - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Divini pitcher - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Divini pitcher - Murano glass


$462.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Divini water chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Divini water chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Divini water chalice - Murano glass


$130.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Divini champagne wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Divini champagne wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Divini champagne wine chalice - Murano glass


$223.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Divini riesling wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Divini riesling wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Divini riesling wine chalice - Murano glass


$223.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Divini bourgogne gran cru wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Divini bourgogne gran cru wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Divini bourgogne gran cru wine chalice - Murano glass


$251.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Divini chardonnay wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Divini chardonnay wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Divini chardonnay wine chalice - Murano glass


$223.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Divini bordeaux wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Divini bordeaux wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Divini bordeaux wine chalice - Murano glass


$251.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Divini bourgogne wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Divini bourgogne wine chalice - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Divini bourgogne wine chalice - Murano glass


$223.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Idra Balloton pitcher - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Idra Balloton pitcher - Murano glass - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Idra Balloton pitcher - Murano glass


$426.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy set 6 water glasses different colors mod.1 - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy set 6 water glasses different colors mod.1 - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy set 6 water glasses different colors mod.1


$692.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl blueberry and red - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl blueberry and red - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl blueberry and red


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl blueberry and green - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl blueberry and green - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl blueberry and green


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl opaque blue and yellow - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl opaque blue and yellow - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl opaque blue and yellow


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl light blue and acid green - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl light blue and acid green - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl light blue and acid green


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl opaque blue and peach - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl opaque blue and peach - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl opaque blue and peach


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl pea green and violet periwinkle - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl pea green and violet periwinkle - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl pea green and violet periwinkle


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl light blue and blue - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl light blue and blue - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl light blue and blue


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl pea green and orange - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl pea green and orange - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl pea green and orange


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl yellow sunflower and violet - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl yellow sunflower and violet - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl yellow sunflower and violet


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl yellow sunflower and brown - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl yellow sunflower and brown - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl yellow sunflower and brown


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl coral red and grey - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl coral red and grey - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl coral red and grey


$147.00 USD

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Nason Moretti Dandy bowl coral red and aquamarine - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design
Nason Moretti Dandy bowl coral red and aquamarine - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by NASON MORETTI design

Nason Moretti Dandy bowl coral red and aquamarine


$147.00 USD

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