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Patricia Urquiola is a spanish designer born in Oviedo, a town of Northern Spain, in 1961. Patricia studied at architecture first in Madrid and then in Milan, where in 1989 she graduated from the Milan Polytechnic and her thesis was followed by the internationally renowned designer and architect Achille Castiglioni. From 1990 to 1992 she has worked as assistant of Achille Castiglioni at the Milan Polytechnic and at the ENSCI (Ecole nationale supérieure de création industrielle) in Paris, France. During this period she started a partnership with Maddalena De Padova and she met another famous designer Vico Magistretti, with whom she designed the chair “Flower”, the sofa “Loom” and the horizontal chair “Chaise Longue”. From 1996 she is a coordinator of the design group of the company “Lissoni Associati”. In 1998 she began a partnership with Moroso, creating upholstered pieces of furniture that the public found irresistible. In 2001 she opened her own practice and she collaborated with many worldwide companies, such as Moroso (designing the chair “KLARA”), B&B Italia (signing the Canasta Collection), Rosenthal (the collection Landscape), Mutina (The Big Bug) and Alessi (Spirogira).

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