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Discover FLAVIO LUCCHINI collection on Shopdecor


Flavio Lucchini was born in Curtatone, Mantua, in 1928. After having attended the faculty of Architecture in Venice and the Politecnico in Milan, he studied at the Brera Academy. Since 1960 he has been working in the field of graphics, where he has always stood out thanks to the modernity of his works. In 1962 he designed “Amica” for Corriere della Sera and in 1965 he launched Vogue Italia, designing every headline of the group (L’Uomo Vogue, Casa Vogue, Vogue Bambini, Lei-Glamour, and so on). In 1967 he founded together with Giancarlo Iliprandi, Horst Blachian, Pino Tovaglia and Till Neuburg, the Art Directors Club of Milano. In 1979 he went back to Corriere della Sera and founded the publishing house Edimoda for high-level publications in the field of fashion. He invented Donna, Mondo Uomo, Moda, and other headlines which influenced the contents and the graphics of the following years. He is the most influential person in the field of fashion publishing, a talent-scout who discovers and supports many young people who are going to become great stylists, photographs and successful journalists. In order to dedicate to his real passion, he abandoned every prestigious assignments and increased his research, which explored the relationships between arts and fashion. For years he has worked completely alone, experimenting new techniques and new materials, collecting works, in particular sculptures and high-reliefs, where there is always a subtle irony. In 1983 he founded Superstudio, first centre for photography and imaging, to which in 2000 he adds Superstudio Più, a big team dedicated to cultural events and creations.

1 Result

Slide My Flower Light Floor Lamp Lighting by Flavio Lucchini - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SLIDE design
Slide My Flower Light Floor Lamp Lighting by Flavio Lucchini - Buy now on ShopDecor - Discover the best products by SLIDE design

Slide My Flower Light Floor Lamp Lighting by Flavio Lucchini


$1,650.00 USD

Unit price

3 colors
  • Slide Bright white LA
  • Slide Bright green LR
  • Slide Bright pink LS